How to create 0.1" 10x10 breadboard area

Hello all,

I’d like to include a 10x10 0.1" breadboard grid on the PCB. It will hold various RM core coil formers (by definition, an RM 10 fits on a 10x10 grid). I’ll connect the windings to separate test pins, no need for connections there. Mostly to hold the core mechanically. I thought easy enough:

Footprint with a 10x10 pad grid.
Problem: All are pad number 1 (duplicated multiple times) and therefore connected to each other. DRC will throw an error on this.
What is the easiest way to solve this and not have to bypass DRC somehow? Does one fabrication property help?

I’d need 100 unconnected pads with DRC not complaining.

If you use the footprint editor you can place a single pad, right click it, select “Create from selection”, select “Create Array” and then fill in the details.

… the idea being that I have pads with different numbers, where the DRC does not complain if they are not connected?

I assigned this footprint to a test point (one pin only), so far no error pops up with that.

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If you have pads that according to schematic need not to be connected and they are not connected at PCB then everything is consistent. There is no reason for DRC to complain.

Sorry, it was my dinner time.
Yes to your question, as @Piotr has written, DRC shouldn’t complain.

For things like this, I usually make a few footprints with a single row (1 to 10 or so) of pads, and then combine a bunch of those footprints to build up a bigger test area. This makes it a little bit easier to fill the available left over area with mod. pads. Also, when there is not much left over room. just adding a single DIP16 footprint (you can put them over SMT parts) already gives quite a lot of room for modifications.

FYI… These are my ProtoBoard and BreadBoard done in Kicad…

Proto has individual Pads.
BB has grouped Pads (like those we’ve all used at one time…) with added 3D Step model.

I ignore DRC

This is the final board (very quick+dirty), that’s why I wanted to keep the DRC.

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