How to convert Adafruit 'EagleCAD' brd file to pretty footprint

Hi there. I’m new to KiCad and all of this. I need to associate a proper footprint for ADS1115 break out board. I found these CAD files from Adafruit which matches the break out board I’m using:

I can go to File > Import Project > EagleCAD and I get a project that contains a pretty library of sub-components, and a pcb file for the actual break out board (see screenshot). Now I’m trying to understand how to make an “overall pretty” from this. Like, the pretty library of the ADS1115 project doesn’t contain the actual board, but just auxiliary sub-components, whereas the .kicad_pcb file is the actual layout of the board. How do I export this so that I can add it as a footprint library to my own project?

Screenshot from 2022-01-28 20-14-26

And already a related question. I’ve go the ADS1115 schematic from the standard library. But here the input pins are called AIN0 through to AIN3, whereas the Adafruit file seems to call these pins A0 through to A3. How does KiCad “know” the proper pins when I go to ‘Assign PCB footprints to schematic symbols’ ?

What does that breakout board look like?
The simplest case may be just using an existing footprint for a single row 1.54mm header.

Thank you; yes, I ended up just drawing up the 10 pads next to each other, which is easy here as they have standard spacing. And add the board dimensions for horizontal mounting. Had to redo the schematic as well, because the pins have different numbering.

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