How to connect PadMatrix to connector

Hi everyone,

I’m seeking advice on routing a complex PCB for a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) detector I’m building. The challenge is efficiently reading out and transmitting signals from a large pad matrix (44 columns x 16 rows, 2mm pitch) to the processing electronics, all within a limited PCB footprint.

I’m aiming for a 10-layer stackup to improve signal integrity, but I’m encountering difficulties in achieving clean routing while minimizing noise and crosstalk.

Here are some specific questions I have:

**Routing Strategies: What routing strategies would you recommend for efficiently handling such a high pad density within a limited space?
***Layer Stackup: Are there any suggested layer allocation practices for a 10-layer PCB dealing with analog signals from a TPC detector?
***Minimizing Noise and Crosstalk: Can you share any tips or techniques for reducing noise and crosstalk in a high-density analog signal routing scenario?

Any insights or suggestions from experienced PCB designers would be greatly appreciated!

This forum is primarily aimed at help with KiCad itself, rather than design/EE help. You may find additional support on the eevblog forum for the more general aspects of routing and signal integrity.

That being said, the array itself looks like you can break it out with just dogbone-style vias. You may need to include microvias of some form or another to the (breakout?) connectors though. That will also help you avoid stubs if your signals include high frequency content (just guessing this is a particle detector, based on a quick search).

For layer allocation (you probably already know this) but try to make sure every signal layer has an adjacent ground reference that (preferably) is not shared with another signal layer. When you have a signal trace switching layers, add ground vias nearby between the relevant reference layers to allow the return current to transit in a similar path as the signal.

Beyond these, I encourage you to post to eevblog with what you tried and where you’re stuck. If you have KiCad specific questions, feel free to post here!


Fascinating stuff, I find the time of flight stuff (TOF) exiting as it’s no mean feat to measure the drift electrons time from start to finish. Anyhow I hope you get the info you need to continue and your in the right place from a Kicad point of view but sadly I have nothing more to add to the great advice you already have. If you get the PCB done (I hope so) if you’re able to share your work I for one would love to see it, is there anywhere I can follow this research right now or do you have to keep it to yourself. Thats enough of me being nosey :nerd_face: very best of luck !

Dear scandey,
Thank you for your advice. This is my first post, I didn’t know what was the real purpose of this forum and for this I’m sorry.
Regarding my design, I’m planning to use a built-in pad via and yes the stack-up is the signal layer which refers to a ground one. In my first attempt to route, the traces layout where not so pretty…but I think this is how will work.
Thank you very much again, I will try to move it on eevlog


I can attach to you two links where you can find some details about the detector and the aim of the work.

I will move a part of the design on eevlog, but the complete progress will be only published in official presentations or papers.

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