How to Combine Multiple Front Layers into a Single SVG in KiCad?

I’m trying to generate a single SVG file that combines all front layers (e.g., front copper, front silkscreen, front solder mask) from my PCB design in KiCad . However, when I plot, each layer is saved as a separate SVG file.

My Issue:

  • I need a single SVG file with all front layers combined.
  • Each layer is currently output as a separate file
    Is there a way to combine multiple front layers into a single SVG file directly within KiCad?

What you are currently showing is close, pick one layer in the left column (instead of many) and then pick the other layers in the right column to plot “on all layers”. You should get one output file named for the layer you selected on the left with all of the layers selected on the right included.

If that isn’t what you’re looking for, can you give an example of what you are getting and what you want instead?

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