How to cite KiCad

I want to include some schematics i created with KiCad, in my PhD thesis.
I’ll use a footnote with something like: “Designed with KiCad. Available at

Is there any other recommended way for this?


Looks fine to me. :+1:

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Interesting question. As far as I know the KiCad project doesn’t have any recommendation about that. The conventions should come from your academic environment.

I could be interested in that in the future, maybe someone from CERN could step in with some suggestion? i’m sure they have approached this issue already.

Strictly speaking you do not want a citation, that’s heavy stuff intended for published works, where the cited sources get their reputation enhanced if they have a lot of cites. You have to fill in a lot of fields, such as Author, Affiliation, Title, Year, Publisher, etc. This is just a note, and something as simple as what is suggested is adequate, indicating where people can find further information.

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It’s not uncommon for software projects to provide guidance for how to cite them (without requiring a citation). For example, here’s the numpy project’s page: NumPy - Citing NumPy

Thanks for all the answers. My conclusion is to stick to my current suggestion.

You have to fill in a lot of fields, such as Author, Affiliation, Title, Year, Publisher, etc. This is just a note, and something as simple as what is suggested is adequate, indicating where people can find further information.

Yes, i want to use a footnote and not a usual “publication” style reference.
As i’ve done with other software that i used for flowcharts creation, the footnotes are better and “easier to see” i think.

For example, here’s the numpy project’s page: NumPy - Citing NumPy

Yes, i know. I couldnt find any similar for KiCad.

I think @retiredfeline is ‘most correct’. Kicad isn’t doing any work or computations unless you are using the simulation engine. Otherwise, it is just a graphic program.

I used it to make my schematics, gerber files that I sent for PCB creation etc so this footnote is my “thank you” for this wonderful free program.

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