How to check line width (graphics) in a custom design rule

As pcb houses require a minimum width for silkscreen lines (e.g. 6 mil), I want to check that in a custom design rule. I cannot find an item type ‘line’ or ‘*line’, however. Neither in the docs nor in the syntax help.
Is that missing or am I missing something?
EDIT: I’m on 8.99

Why not the Board set-up > Text & Graphics > Defaults.

Maybe I’m missing something also :thinking:

I don’t think silkscreen graphic line width can be constrained with custom rules. You could submit a feature request to add support for it. None of the existing constraints seem to check that.

The condition would be something like "A.Type=='Graphic' && A.Shape == 'Segment' && A.Layer=='*.SilkS'"

I haven’t checked this but I think you can assert on the Line_Width property for graphic shapes?

Maybe, yeah. I don’t see assertions as a long-term good way to do this though, because there isn’t a good way of eventually driving new shape creation from it.

Before opening a new feature request look into pcbnew: DRC checker does not check the line widths of rectangles, circles and polygons (#17448) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab. It’s not a flexible custom rule, but a generic “minimum” value from the global constraints.

Agree, and it only checks what the property is configured to (not that there are many ways currently for graphic shapes to be clipped)

There is also the text width constraint that is a better way to check, but only for text.

I upvoted that and that’s all for now.

Thx guys, I got the picture. I upvoted the existing request and I’ll leave it at that. For now :wink: