How to change the Origin

Bonjour tout le monde.
je ne sais pas si je suis au bon endroit pour poser mes questions?
1) Est ce qu’il existe dans KiCad un raccourci pour insérer les caractères µ et Ω dans les valeurs composants?

  1. Comment changer l’origine des feuilles, positionner X0,00, Y0,00 en bas à gauche?

Merci à vous.

Hello everybody.
I don’t know if I’m in the right place to ask my questions?
1) Is there a shortcut in KiCad to insert the characters µ and Ω in the component values?

  1. How to change the origin of the leaves, position X0.00, Y0.00 at the bottom left?

Thank you.

Please explain what you wish to do with the origin.

I’m guessing “sheets” is a better translation of “feuilles” than “leaves”. With this in mind…

The origin cannot be changed on schematic sheets. The consensus is there really isn’t a reason to have that capability as a schematic is a dimensionless object and the physical placement of symbols is not important.

You can set the display origin for PCB layout:

  1. In the top menu bar, select Preferences → Preferences.
  2. Expand the “PCB Editor” list and select “Origins and Axes”.
  3. Change “Display Origin” to “Drill/place file origin”.
  4. Change “Y Axis” to “Increases up”.
  5. Click “OK” to close the Preferences dialog.

Note that these are USER preferences, and do not change the PCB file itself. They only change what is displayed in the PCB editor.

Finally, use the image tool in the right-side tool bar to place the Drill/place file origin at the desired location. I like to position the drill/place origin at the lower left corner of the PCB, but this is personal preference.

When generating Gerber and other fabrication outputs, you may also want to select “Use drill/place file origin”.

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