How to change the mouse cursor to older version?

I was using Kicad Ver.5.
I’ve changed the version from 5 to 7.
I feel something wrong that the mouse cursor’s issue.
When using the version 5, put the center of cursor easily.
When The version 7, I can’t put the center of the point that I wished.
This is necessary to make the schematics speedy.
How can I use the older cursor?

Hi @taku

Have you experimented with the mouse controls in:
Preferences > Preferences > Mouse and Touchpad?

Hello @jmk
I also checked the Mouse and Touchpad.
There are Pan and zoom, Drag gesture and Scroll gesture.
Which check box may the old cursor visible?

Sorry, I didn’t know the cursor was missing.

Go to Preferences > Preferences > Schematic Editor > Display Options.

At the bottom of the middle column is “Cursor Options”. Select size and visibility then OK.

Thanks for replying.
I’d like to delete the crosshair.
The Cursor Options don’t include deleting crosshair.


Remove this tick, press OK and the crosshairs will disappear.

May be some bug in converting your configuration from V5 to V7.
I’ve changed V5->v6 and V6->V7 and didn’t noticed any change in cursor behavior.

I’ve removed that check box.
But the cursor remains.
When I hit esc key, temporary the cross hair has removed, I hit ‘w’ key to wire, the cursor will be appeared.
I’d like to remove the crosshair always.

I was writing from place where I have no KiCad. Now I have checked and see that except arrow I have crosshair :slight_smile:
How it happened that I didn’t noticed it.

Don’t worry about your notice.
Especially, when the resolution is far, I can’t wire the point I wished.
Why it was so, I couldn’t understand.
I’ve noticed that the phenomenon has occurred by the crosshair.
Of course, when the resolution is near, I can put the point correctly.
But I should hit the key of F1 and F2 a number of times. It’s very tired.

Or use mouse scroll wheel.

Yes. Mouse scrolling is convenient.
Kicad is impressive because it can be used primarily with the keyboard.
When I was using other CADs, I had no choice but to use the mouse.
So I haven’t touched the mouse.

But (at schematic) you have a grid of 50 mils?

This is my property dialog.

Now I noticed that the issue is not from crosshair…
This is from sub icon of mouse.
Look this picture( cause screen capture can’t include mouse pointer ).
At the Ver.5, the sub icon points center of the crosshair.
At the Ver.7, the sub icon points the side of the center.
This makes me confuse when I wire.

In the Ver.5,

I tried moving the mouse between each version.
In each version, a sub-icon follows the crosshair. This movement was the same.
The problem is the shape of the sub-icon.
The Ver.7 sub-icon has a mini crosshair, so you can see two crosshairs.
There should be one crosshair.

That “sub-icon” is your mouse pointer.

Changing the shape of your mouse pointer needs to be done with your Operating System not Kicad.

This is my choice with Linux Mint: Mainly different types of arrows.

The sub-icon is from Kicad.
Look at the photo above.
It’s like a pencil. This is made with Kicad.

By the way, I found out the truth through discussion with you all.

And I understood the difference between Ver.5 and Ver.7.
I use the cursor keyboard when wiring.
For Ver.7, the sub-icon points near the crosshair.
In Ver.5, the sub-icon points to the center of the crosshair.
This issue only occurs with the keyboard, not the mouse.
When using the keyboard, I would like the sub-icon to point to the center of the cross in Ver.7 as well as in Ver.5.

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I finally understand your problem.

The small cross with the angled wire is a visual indication of the function you are using. it replaces the mouse cursor on the work space. It automatically reverts to the mouse cursor when moved off the work space.

The visual indicator cannot be removed, however, to make it easier for you to use the arrow keys, you can use a mouse to place that indicator within reasonable proximity, but out of the way, or exactly on top of the crosshairs.

Unfortunately, every time you use the mouse between placing wire operations, you will need to re-center the icon.