How to add transistor 2N2222 in library kicad?

Hi, nice to know I am not the only one.
Maybe a forum wasnt the right Idea, a user gallery for all those old components would be nice ?
Most of my very old components will be useless forever but I just dont have the heart to put them away. They are so visibly electronic while modern components are simply black bugs with any number of legs. :beetle:

Right now I am restoring a 1950s tube Radio, anyone who has done this might agree that this kind of electronics has something in common with living things, something organic ?! No soul to be found in smartphones !

Does Ebay sell those old transistors. I would like to see something like 8086 in 40 pin dil package, too.

Well if you have a look …
I found strips of 50 2n2222s for a couple of pounds/dollars

Nostalgia. I remember metal cased transistors.

Well, they’re still in production. As the most exotic parts I worked with in the late 80s, hockey-puck kiloAmps thyristors, that you need to set up with a torsiometric wrench - not on a PCB, for sure.

Some years ago I was at a power electronics industry show such as APEC or PCIM. One vendor had a utility-scale electronic component (I cannot remember what it was). It weighed at least a few tons. I asked if those were available on tape and reel.

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Probably PnP with a crane. :crazy_face:

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