I’m very new to KiCad. So I apologize if I’m not using all the correct verbiage. What I want to do is add a shape " a circle with a cutout - looks like PacMan" and add this to copper layers as a copper trace. I can’t find a way to create that shape (a solid circle with a pie slice removed) within KiCad. Does anyone know how to do this or how to import into copper layers, I’ve tried DXF files from Adobe Illustrator, but they don’t import into a copper layer as copper. I don’t want this as a silkscreen pattern, but need it in copper to connect to.
- Select the layer on which you want the shape.
- Use the Arc and Line tools to create the outline of the shape, making sure the two lines and the arc all join each other correctly.
- Highlight both lines and the arc by holding down the Ctrl key and left mouse click on the arc and lines.
- With your cursor on any highlighted line, right mouse click and select:
- Create from Selection > Create Polygon from Selection.
Job done.
keep in mind that you can’t edit the shape easily (e.g. change radius) after converting it to a polygon. You might want to keep a copy in a user layer.
Fantastic, thanks so much
Will do, so easy now. Appreciate quick response.