How to add another line in a text label


How can i add another line when adding text labels.

Labels are purely for identifying connections in Eeschema.
You can not even use spaces in them.

For multi line things use a text box for adding comments.

I meant on the PCB not in the Eeschema.

And how are we supposed to know that?

If you want to add labels to your PCB, then maybe you should use sticky tape or postit notes.

If you have a question about Pcbnew, then please formulate your question more carefully. You can draw lots of things on a PCB in Pcbnew, but I do not know what a “label” is in this context.

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When you have typed the last character in the text dialog box, just press Enter (carriage return). Then type the second line and when you have typed the last character on the second line, just press Enter again for the third line, and so on…


I just moved from eagle to KiCad. In eagle to add a test, it is ctrl+ enter to move to the next line. But here in the pcbNew hitting enter just accepts it closes the window. It does not move to the next line.

KiCad is not Eagle.

Again (3rd time!). What function are you using, and where in KiCad / Pcbnew?
My crystall ball is broken, and I can not look over your shoulder from behind my own desk.


Could you say exactly what do you want to edit?

If you are adding text in the footprint editor, yes. It only does one line of text, at least in kicad 5.0.8. (Title bar at top of window says “Footprint Editor”)

On the other hand, in pcbnew, you can place multiple lines using its text tool.

The category this is placed in :wink:

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Named text fields in footprints are overwritten from what is setup in eeschema.

Footprints do not support free text only text fields. Normal text is handled as an unnamed field in the backend. Text fields do not support multi line text.

Another issue is that every such text can be moved around after placing the footprint. I requested locking text in:

Thank for explaining it to the point. Wish it had this feature. Is it a big ?

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