How Is there a way to draw a keepout zone in a circle?

Hi everyone

I have a problem defining the Zone for a circle

I want the copper to be 1mm away from the edge of the circle

Is there a way to draw a circle to handle this problem?

I have tried

File > Board Setup > Design Rules > Constraints > Copper to edge clearance.

The result is not what I want.

Best would probably be to place a mounting hole footprint and set its copper clearance.


I [also] typically use a mounting hole footprint for this, then set a custom pad clearance.


If you don’t want to use a custom footprint, you can also group the mounting holes and add a group name:

You then can create a custom DRC rule:

(rule "Clearance to mounting hole"
  (condition "A.memberOf('mountinghole')")
  (constraint hole_clearance (min 3.5mm))
  (constraint edge_clearance (min 3.5mm))
  (constraint clearance (min 3.5mm)))


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error on kicad 8.0.8 ?

The error is telling you exactly what the problem is, and the correct syntax is shown in the first few lines of the syntax help. Add this above the rule:

(version 1)

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