How generet the centroid file o (pick and place file) from file gerber

Good morning, I am new to using the software. In the company it sometimes happens that we have to assemble boards on behalf of third parties and as material they just provide us with the gerber files of the board or panel. I have browsed a bit on the internet that Kicad allows you to obtain the centroid file (factory assembly) starting from the gerber files only.
You have to create the footprints etc… I am not saying that absolute precision is needed but that then on board the machine I find myself with the almost correct coordinates.

Is there a tutorial that explains how to do it?

Thanks you

I have never did it.
I think the key is to import gerber into PCB editor in 1:1. Should be possible (don’t have KiCad here to check).
Than you can place footprints manually on gerber.
Then just generating P&P file should be possible, I think.

yes. in theory it should be like this. I wanted to know if there was a tutorial that explained exactly how to do it.
For example, indicate the exact origin…etc etc

I’m now with KiCad at hand.

I was using Protel for years. I don’t remember details but our method of making documentation pictures was going through opening new empty project and importing selected gerbers. Also making a graphic art at PCB we done by converting BMP into gerber (consisting of set of 1 mils horizontal lines - I have written a simple program for it) and than importing gerber at silk layer.
I didn’t need to import gerber in KiCad but I just assumed each PCB program certainly can do it.
Now I’m surprised. I don’t see how to import gerber in KiCad.

When Kicad starts there is the gerber view. From there I can load the gerbers and then on File–>export on CS editor. I have to indicate the gerbers that I want (even here I did not understand very well what to indicate)
The .pcb file is saved.
I open the pcb editor and load the .pcb file
I can view the gerbers inside the editor.

I didn’t know that Gerber Viewer can export what it sees to PCB.
I copied into empty directory the paste layer gerber file from my very old design. It was done with Protel where I was working using 5 mils grid.
After opening it in Gerber Viewer:

I Did Export to PCB Editor… giving it name Test. Didn’t do any selections as I have only one layer.
It someway worked for first time, but when I tried to do it once more I had to copy my other KiCad project file renaming it into Test to then be able to open in KiCad Test project and its PCB. I then added SO8 footprint at it. I am working with 0.01mm grid (intentionally different than in original design to see what accuracy I will get).

I don’t understand why rectangle pads from gerber were changed into ovals in PCB.
I don’t understand why in Appearance I don’t have F.Courtyard to see it (in Board setup it is on by default and can’t be hidden).
I think both of these are bugs.
SO8 placed on my PCB looks like this:

A closer look at pad 1:

And after shifting footprint 0.01mm in Y:

It looks that I can get Y accuracy of 0.01mm what I suppose is enough for any P&P automat.
If my footprint would be closer to footprint I was using in Protel I would have also no problem with getting X accuracy of 0.01mm, I think.

I have reported one of these:

I think what is going on with pad shapes should be checked with more examples, layers and then reported (I have no time to play with it).

I will try to follow this tutorial and the information given to me by Piotr.

Thanks for the moment. As soon as I have time at work I will try

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