How do I stop this when drawing routes/traces?

Why can I not route squarely to another route I’ve already drawn? I have a small sample photo but there doesn’t appear to be a way to attach it here. The end of the new route always bends.

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 10.40.31

You should be able to just drag the file into your open reply.

In the New Member Information link above, is a link to New User Guide which explains a lot of the forum features.

Because it snaps in vertical direction to the horizontal track, but in horizontal direction only to grid points. Solutions:

  • Drag the vertical track to the current grid.
  • Change the grid.
  • Keep Ctrl pressed whild drawing the rest of the track.
  • Stop drawing the drag before it bends so that it’s still straight, or remove the small segment. Then drag with D hotkey from the endpoint of the vertical track. Now it uses its own x-coordinate as a snapping coordinate together with the vertical track.

(These were tested with 8.99, but probably work with 8.0.)

A mógłbyś napisać w jakimś zrozumiałym języku? Proszę.

Thank you for your suggestion. I will give that a try today!

but there doesn’t appear to be a way to attach it here.

Versuche shift-/ (ctrl - shift - 7). Mehrmals, bis du im 90°-Modus bist.

Wypróbuj shift-/ (ctrl - shift - 7). Kilka razy, aż znajdziesz się w trybie 90°.


Nach 2-maligem shift-/ (Naciśnij shift-/ 2 razy ) :


I’ve been experimenting a bit with the key combination Johannes suggested, but can’t get it to work. As far as I know there is also no “proper” way to do this. One workaround is to work on a somewhat coarse grid (0.5mm?) and then just don’t draw the slanted segments.

Another workaround (Which also costs time) is to first click on the slanted track segment to select it, and then drag it into the corner. This will leave a “double” track, but you should use PCB Editor / Tools / Cleanup Tracks & Via’s every now and then anyway to clean up things a bit.

Another option is to use the track posture key (slash “/”). This does not get rid of the slanted section, but moves it to the other side.

“Ctrl + /” changes corner mode as Herr Johannes suggested, at least on US keyboard layout. Maybe on german keyboard the modifier keys are somewhat swapped.

Ah, now I see. [Ctrl + /] does indeed toggle between:

  1. 45 degree mode.
  2. Arc mode.
  3. 90 degree mode.
  4. 90 degree arc mode.

After clicking the Create-Track Icon, Right-Clicking with Cursor in the PCB window will present the Menu shown below…

(re-phrasing what I said: Anytime while in the Track Drawing mode, Right-Click…)

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