I have a small project that I would like to alter slightly.
rb.kicad_pcb (66.6 KB)
I would like to remove the filled area from the small box and replace it with the letters RB so they show when I etch it.
I have tried to ‘zone’ the area off hence the hatched box but unfilling and filling just fills the whole thing again.
Do you want the RB on the front copper or the back copper? Right now, the RB is on the front layer, so there is no need for a hatched box.
You appear to be running KiCad 5, which is quite old now. I’m using KiCad 8 and I’ve attached two copies of your board, one with the letters on the front and one with the letters on the back. But you will need KiCad 8 in order to open the files. Here is a screenshot of how the board looks with the lettering on the back side.
rb.kicad_pcb (122.5 KB)
rb2.kicad_pcb (130.0 KB)
You need not to worry about zones when adding new footprints, texts, tracks. You just refill them (hotkey b) afterwords.
If seeing zones disturb you in your work just hide them (buttons on the left).
I work with zones hidden until close to PCB finishing.
SteveFalco used the “knockout” option for text, and it creates the effect shown as part of the text itself, so the text can easily be re-positioned.
KiCad V5 is extremely old, there are a gazillion improvements over the last 4 or 5 years or so. KiCad is moving quite fast. Most people have forgotten the details of KiCad V5.
I think you can already draw a rectangle on the margin layer to make an area empty. Another option is to create a “rule area”. I think this was called a “keepout area” in the older V5.
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