How can i try the PADS importer?

in the KiCon Europe 2024 video on yt,
mr. Stambaugh announced that someone is working on of the PADS importer.

I have 20+years worth of projects i’d like to import in a less painful way than reconstructing from Gerbers, and a working importer (even a partial one) could be a total game changer.

Have someone already tried it? i’ve already tried the ‘usual way’ (import non-KiCad board file from pcb editor) but both .pcb (binary) and .asc (ascii) doesn’t seem to be recognized.

It also seem that the importer is not under a adv.config. ‘firewall’ and since the feature seem to be recent or still in development, duckduckgo-ing it doen’t give lot of pointers.

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I haven’t seen anything in the “What’s new for Kicad thread” and nothing about Pads in the supported Library formats of 8.99, so you may have to hold your breath for a little while longer. :smiley:

Feature freeze for new major releases occurs a couple of months? before release which means it will probably be available within the next few weeks.

Yes, for sure is something in the 8.99 branch or even in some developer personal branch.

I have no problem about building from source or testing highly ‘experimental’ stuff; i’d like to be prepared in advance on what is coming next and if possible provide some user feedback if i can…

I’m certain you’ll get a big thumbs-up for feedback!

The feature freeze is on 15 October, so hopefully we can try the importer then. I hate working with PADS, so I’m glad there will be an importer.

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