I have this board, and I would like to trim all copper outside the edge border (for panelization)
How would you do it?
Thank you !!
I have this board, and I would like to trim all copper outside the edge border (for panelization)
How would you do it?
Thank you !!
Did you edit the pads on the footprints on the outer edge to become oval instead of circular?
How about you make the ovals a bit smaller - so they are straight up to the outline?
The circular part will be milled away, no problem.
Alternatively, if you don’t want to have anything over the outline you could create rectangular pads overlapping the circular ones (no oval pads on the outer edge) and they then go up to the edge and not further…
That could work, except in the corners. If you zoom it, you see that the edge is curved under the pads.
I have this question because the manufacturer asked for it. They panelize the boards, and the pads overlap.
I wonder why there is not an option to trim everything when we plot the gerber files… that would be great!
btw, how can I create rectangular pads in the pcb editor? do i have to create a footprint with a pad?
maybe, if i export the layers as dxf or svg, and use some vector software editor like inkscape, and then, generate the gerber files somehow.
Na… create a footprint that has a rectangular pad.
Then just get rid of the oval pads (might need to redo the array) and then place the rectangular footprints where they need to be, so they cover the area from the leaf-shaped footprint copper to the edge of the board… probably doable with linear arrays then, if you place one pad per side?
I don’t think they will have a problem with just a tiny wedge of copper needing to be milled away…
If they do, your only option is to adjust the outline to be straight up to the outermost straight copper edges and then the arc starts?
Or is there a requirement for the arc to have a certain radius?