Is there a way to highlight multiple wires in eeschema and show the whole connection for all of them? I can select one wire, right click, and then ‘select connection’, but when I highlight multiple wires and select connection it’s seemingly random which wire eeschema shows the full connection.
first a clarification: highlighting and selection are different things. Highlighting a connection is only an optical/visual help. It’s only possible to highlight one net at a time. Highlighting can be cross-propagated between schematic <-> board. The highlighting is independent of the actions you perform on a net.
To perform actions on a net it has to be selected.
I can select one wire, right click, and then ‘select connection’, but when I highlight multiple wires and select connection it’s seemingly random which wire eeschema shows the full connection.
It’s not entirely random, I think it’s the last wire which is added to the selection-group which gets “full selected”.
Seems like a bug. Are you willing to create an gitlab-issue?