Highlight track in pcbnew with Python

Is SetHighlight is available in python pcbnew now?

you should use SetBrightened in V6

Is there a python api change log for v5 to v6 ?

Nope. But currently there is documentation available for V5 and V6

5.1 documentation resides at: https://kicad-downloads.s3.cern.ch/doxygen-python/namespacepcbnew.html
6.0 documentation resides at: https://docs.kicad.org/doxygen-python/namespacepcbnew.html

But the situation with SetBrightened/SetHighlight is a curious one. Both methods are available on V5 and V6. But they behave differently. On V5 you could use SetBrightened and items would turn bright green. Btu SetHighlight did not work at all IIRC. On V6 SetBrightened highlights item as if it would be selected. But SetHighlight does not work.

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