Highlight net on mouse cursor

I’m not sure where can I write this (not my idea, I soo it in Altium), but it’s very usefull features.
When you move mouse cursor to net in PCB, it goes automaticly highlight. And when you move away it goes off highlight.
Or where can I write this wisches, if possible to add to Kicad. Is any link, whre are write all wisches?

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this is a good idea. I guess all wishes can be posted here.
One has to register there with a another account.

Best regards


The appropriate place is on the bug tracker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad

Just mark your item as a wishlist item when you create it.

Just an FYI, when you are using the OpenGL renderer (view > OpenGL in pcbnew) you can ctrl+click on nets to highlight them.