Highlight Net in layout

Hi all.
Recently one of my designs went over two sheets.
I wanted to check if all connections were OK by highlight them.
I could not find out how to do do so.
If there is a way to do this can it be done over multiple sheets.

If there is no such facility can this be requested?

Francesco C

First, which version of KiCad are you using?

Second, in the subject line you mention “layout”. But then you talk about “multiple sheet” which refers to a schematic. Layout is the pcb, schematic is the electronic system diagram. Which one do you mean?

Hi, thank you for the reply.
Yes I clicked layout by mistake.

My version is 5.16.
Francesco C

So do you mean that you want to highlight a net in the schematic, and see the same net highlighted in different sheets?

There’s the Highlight net tool:


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Hi. Thank you again for kind reply.
Yes that what I was looking for!
I kept looking under the menus.
Thank you.

Francesco C

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