Hierarchy - Table of Contents Automatic

I’m wondering if there’s a way to automatically (with project / sheet variables) create a Hierarchy or Table of contents to be able to put into the top level sheet of a schematic. I’d like to be able to do it once and have it auto-populate based on the sheets in the design.

e.g. is there a way to do this (below) with vairables?


What is the intention?
If you have a hierarchical schematic, then usually the root has the schematic sheets on it in a block diagram like structure.

Aditionally, it is also possible to add references to labels and these references show on which sheets a label has connections. You can also go to those sheets via a right click on the labels. But you do have to enable this function yourself.

The intention is to have a (kind of) Table of Contents on the top sheet, so someone who’s looking at a pdf knows which sheets are which.

No, this is not currently possible. Maybe it could be added in the future based on some work @JeffYoung is doing on first-class table objects (auto-generated tables are not currently planned as far as I know, though). You could make a feature request for this and see where it goes.

Thanks @craftyjon , I thought that might be the answer :frowning_face: but I don’t think it would be a very popular feature. So probably not worth a developer’s time.

If this gets 5-10 “likes” or votes, then I’d submit it as a feature request.

thanks again.


if your design is ‘flat’ and you don’t use hierarchical labels you can have something similar
with little manual intervention using the sheet name:



Can you elaborate/explain both how you get the filenames into the top sheet and how do you do a multi-page “flat” schematic in kicad?

the table is simply built stacking the hierarchical sheets image one on top of the other:

if you avoid using hierarchical labels inside your hierarchical sheets and use only global labels
you have something that is similar to a flat design.

Then you can arrange your sheet name inside the box creating something that resemble a table.

All my designs have in the root page this:


I like the creative work-around, and disappointed I didn’t come up with it on my own :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Thanks for the explanation.