All but my simplest designs use the hierarchical capabilities.
It seems that you can only go into a sheet, place a label and then go one level up and import the label as a pin to the sheet symbol. You can not do the reverse - place a pin on a sheet, go into the sheet and import the pin to become a label.
In other words - you are forced to work “bottom up”, when sometimes it is much more convenient to work “top down”: define you circuit block as sheets, create the connections between the blocks with the required pins, and only then go into the sheets and design their details.
Once I used Orcad and over there the process was bi-directional as described.
Am I missing something and this is also possible in Kicad?
One more thing - it would be nice if at least the process of importing all pins + cleaning unnecessary pins would be a one click operation. Currently you have to import pins one by one and clean the unrequired pins in a separate operation.
Personally I can not see the situation where one would not want the sheet pins to reflect the underlying labels and vice versa
You can place pins on the sheet using the tool, the only part that is missing for me is how to “pull” the pin inside of the hierarchical sheet to be used.
I know that, and this is exactly what I meant. You can go from label to pin but not from pin to label.
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