Hex codes for color selection

We have this right now.

I think it is better to have a hex color code option since that’s how color is specified in mostly everywhere. It is convenient. Wondering why nobody has requested this before. Couldn’t find any threads on this.

Anyway I’m hoping to see this in the KiCad 6 :fire:


Wondering why nobody has requested this before. Couldn’t find any threads on this.

Because not all requests are logged here. Any request for a feature that you want developers to see must be logged on the GitLab tracker. it just so happens there is one for the hex colors: https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/-/issues/4016.


Nice. Hope this makes into next version. The theme support is already exciting (I’m using the nightly build).

I have never seen colors specified as HEX but always decimal. But only places where, as I remember, I had a contact with colors are:

  • Protel 3,
  • Windows Paint,
  • IrfanView,
  • LibreOffice,
  • KiCad,
  • Gerbv,
  • LibreCAD,
  • FreeCAD.

Hex colors are popular e.g. in Web development, or programming.
Paint.net (I like it very much) uses both decimal and Hex representation. To each their own.

Of course. The best is when user can select if he uses hex or decimal.

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This is now in the nightlies.


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