Hi, am New to kicad these to projects i am tiring to get simulation by failing .I am getting this error .
List of plots available:
Current const Constant values (constants)
Note: Codel model file loading path is C:\Users\John\OneDrive\Desktop\full
Note: Compatibility modes selected: ps lt a
Circuit: KiCad schematic
Error: vector time not found!
Error: vector time not found!
Error: vector time not found!
That diode is shorted. Is that your intention?
If this is your first simulation, start with something simple, such as an RC combination, or one of the working examples from this website. For example:
For starters, also eliminate possible problems, Simple things like not just excluding your connectors from the simulation, but jut deleting them from the schematic altogether. Once you’ve got the simple things working you can add back some complexity and see what happens.
I just tested with your schematics with kicad 8.99 ( well, copied from your screenshots ), and it looks like the connectors are indeed added to the netlist.
When I remove the connectors, it runs fine. ( but a 10F capacitor is not really good to get convergence, as it implies big derivative terms, I would suggest either reducing the value, or damping the capacitor ( R in series ) )
.title KiCad schematic
.model __D2 D
.model __D1 D
.save all
.probe alli
.probe p(C1)
.probe p(R1)
.probe p(D2)
.probe p(D1)
.probe p(V2)
.probe p(V1)
.tran 1u 400m 0 1u
C1 Net-_D1-K_ GND 10
R1 Net-_D1-K_ GND 1
D2 Net-_D2-A_ Net-_D1-K_ __D2
J5 __J5
D1 Net-_D1-A_ Net-_D1-K_ __D1
V2 Net-_D1-A_ GND DC 0 SIN( 0 12 1k 0 0 0 ) AC 1
J1 __J1
J4 __J4
V1 Net-_D2-A_ GND DC 0 SIN( 0 12 1k 0 0 0 ) AC 1
J2 __J2
J3 __J3
Thanks a lot if finally showed the simulation
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