Help with key matrix error

Help if possible, I’m attempting to create a key matrix keyboard with a hall effect sensor to read key press inputs. Im a student new to learning PCB schematics so please bare with me. I have added the image of the schematic for reference, I’m reciting an error for the out pin of the hall effect sensor, but not sure where to go from there. The error is saying “Error: pins of type output and output are connected”.

Dots at all Row and Col lines crossing are certainly an error.

what would you suggest?

If we went into electronic discussion (and your problems are such) we will be told that this forum is intended to solve problems people have with using KiCad and not with electronic circuits design.
The idea is to limit not KiCad related noise here as much as possible.
Seeing that people with such questions are here sent to for example EEVBlog I recently created there account, but there are many people who can discuss it with you.

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Kicad defines pins to help with the ERC (electrical rules check). That is in the documentation. There are ways around the errors IF you really want this configuration.

But @Piotr is correct. WHY you shouldn’t do that is not a Kicad specific question.

EDIT: This reminds me of day one and the instructor on the widely held myth that ‘electricity follows the path of least resistance. No, it follows EVERY path available to it’. (hint :wink: )

…In inverse proportion to the resistance…assuming the lack of other voltage drops.

thanks @hermit , turns out i just needed to remove the junction dots between the cols, rows and add a diode for the out pin, add a pull up resistor to vcc to the corresponding col and all good now with no errors. oh and added a decoupling capacitor

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What doesn’t mean schematic is good and will be working as you expect.

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Massive shorting of rows and columns aside, those unaligned switch symbols and kinks in the wires make me go yuk. You might find the drag action (hotkey g) useful.

It is ALSO considered bad form to cross and join wires at one point due to a bit of ambiguity. This preference is arguably out of date, but it is better to join like this:


As for me: I am also out of date. But this does not mean that I am bananas.

I’m not referring to the junctions which shouldn’t be there anyway but the dog legs on what could be just straight stretches.

Right…I think I understood that. But I am doing my best to add to the malaise. Another issue to fix, if issues are being fixed.

I edited my previous post slightly so as to help obfuscate matters.

Years ago I had a PhD EE consultant criticize one of my schematics due to a joined wire crossing. (bad description but I think you know what I mean.) Anyway I try to avoid it.

I do not know why my lower junction dot is slightly larger than my upper junction dot. Maybe the liquid which fills the junction dots has a tendency to flow down through the wire.

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its all cleaned up already.

That will be the effect of gravity, and I don’t think you should worry about it ! Happy new year !