I am really new to KiCad and JLCPCB. I am using Kicad 7 and have managed to produce the schematic and the pub design. These parts were relatively straight forward. I am now ready to generate the Berber files to send off to JLCPCB to get the board fabricated. I will be soldering the components myself.
I have a few questions regarding settings in Kincaid for use with JLCPCB. apologies for the long question.
After reading the JLC website many times,I found there capabilities page and Made adjustments to the Kincaid board settings in PCB Designer as follows…
Solder Mask Expansion: changed from 0 to 0.05mm
Copper Minimum clearance: changed from 0 to 0.127mm
Copper Minimum track width: changed from 0 to 0.127mm
Copper min connection width: changed from 0 to 0.127mm
Copper min angular width: Changed from 0.1 to 0.3mm
Copper to hole clearance: Changed from 0.25 to 0.4mm
Copper to edge clearance: Changed from 0 to 0.2mm
Hole to hole clearance: Changed from 0.25 to 0.5mm
Silkscreen minimum item clearance: Changed from 0 to 0.15mm
Silkscreen minimum text height: Changed from 0.8 to 1.0mm
Silkscreen minimum text thickness: Changed from 0.08 to 0.153mm
Could anyone let me know if I have understood the JLCPCB settings correctly please.
Also when I go to the “Plot” dialog I get a message tat says “Global solder mask minimum width and/or margin are not set to 0. Most board manufacturers expect 0 and use their own constraints for solder mask minimum width”
I this something I should be concerned with and if so how do I fix it please?
I also see that JLCPCB expect the Gerber output to be say F.Silks and not F.Silkscreen as generated by Kicad. again is this a problem and how do I fix this?
Finally ( for now) I saw in a post on this forum from Jan 2021 that to generate the Gerber file I should Uncheck the “Use extended X2 format” and check the “Disable aperture macros”. Due to some issues on JLCPCB side. Is this still the case or has this now been fixed?
Many thanks in advance for responses and help. As mentioned, this is the first time using any of this software and PCB fabrication services so any help offered would be appreciated.