HELP ! Skeleton Tracks ! ?!

Have done quite a few layouts by now, but have never seen this before… Was moving a part on a board ( or maybe adding a track) when all of a sudden all my tracks changed to a ‘skeleton’ view, showing just the outline of the tracks. Even when i add a new track, it appears as a normal filled track until i end the track, then it too goes clear with just outline showing. I closed the pgm and reopened a different project, but now all pcb tracks are showing skeleton in all of them as well !!!
I even restarted the PC, but problem still persists on my pcb’s !
Did i inadvertently hit some strange setting ? Any ideas on how/why ?
Thanks for any insight !
I am using V 5.1.0
PS-Is there a way to post a screenshot on this forum ?

This will be your friend


Oh my gosh ! I thought i tried everything… i feel like an idiot ! :slight_smile:
Thank you so much Fred !!! You saved me alot of hair-pulling…

Funny that setting is remembered even when closing the pgm.


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It would be bad if you had to set all preferences for yourself every time you start the program.

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