Help needed: Check the symbol I'm making

Hello! I’m making a symbol for the STM8S105K6 microcontroller in the LQFP-32 package. Need some advice.

Current progress is:

My questions/concerns are:

  • Does it look right?
  • What status should be of VCAP pin? According to datasheet (page 26) it is “1.8V regulator capacitor”. Should it be Power Output rather than Input?
  • Among available footprints, I found only LQFP-32_7x7mm_P0.8mm and LQFP-32_7x7mm_P0.5mm, but the datasheet says (pages 98-99) that it is 1.6mm tall. How to specify that? Or I should just use 0.8mm since the footprint should be the same? Mistaken pitch and height.

P.S. Is it a good practice to make a new part by modifying the existing ones? I made this symbol by modifying STM8S003K3T and saving it as a separate instance.

It’s quite normal and common to use an existing schematic symbol as a starting point to make a new one. You can quite easily drag a box around a group of pins and then mirror it in the Y axis to switch between the Left/Right side of the package, or mirror the block in th X-asis to change whether the lowest number is on the top of bottom. The labels and pin types of all pins can be easily adopted to your needs with: Symbol Editor / Edit / Pin Table

You do have to be careful with the pinout. This can change with the package type. I recommend to go back to your custom schematic symbol a few days after you made it, and then check the pin names and numbering carefully.

There is no spice like behavior in Eeschema outside of the ngSpice simulator itself. The pin types are only used for the ERC and the ERC matrix.

“Power Output” is the most restrictive pin type, and it looks like a good fit for this pin, even though you should not use it as a power output pin for external circuitry.

For the footprint. The thickness (measurement “A”) is 1.6mm, but that is not important. What does matter is measurement “e”, which is the pitch between the pins, and it is 0.8mm for that package. So use the Footprint with the “P0.8mm” in it’s name.

I do it all the time. Kicad is designed to make this practice easy.

I also frequently change the pin locations of my new symbol, part way through drawing up a schematic, to make that schematic more easily read.

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I would set VCap to ‘passive’.

As for height, I think it only really matters in the 3D viewer? The main thing is how much real estate it takes up on the board.

I have made a fair number of my own schematic symbols, as you said, starting from existing symbols.

JUST make sure you are putting them in a separate library other than the main KiCAD library! (i.e., in a folder ‘near’ your Kicad project files) That way you can back everything up at once and you also avoid the risk of losing your symbols to an update.

Sure… “P” in dimensions is for pitch. Why did I even think that it refers to height? My mistake.

Thank you for explanations.

Can you explain why?

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