Help a Noob with SD-Card Adapter Connectors

Hello there! I want to create a PCB for an SD-Card-to Micro-SD Adapter in a different form than the regular 1$ Adapters. Can someone guide me an tell me what Footprints i can use when designing a PCB that suits my needs?
Here is my draft:

Thank you everybody who can help!

And this is how a cheap adapter looks from the inside:

In the footprint editor, searching for microSD, I got 6 hits. Pick one of them.
For the SD card itself, there is no footprint, as it is no part to assemble. You will have to make your own.

Thank you, already seen those 6 footprints. But do you know how i can get those spring contacts like the ones on the second picture? Are they available in KiCad?

I am a bit confused by those spring contact things, but there are probably hundreds of different models of SD-card connectors, and they all need a specialized footprint to be able to solder them properly on a PCB. Connectors are among the most troublesome PCB footprints, because there is no standardization of how they fit on the PCB. It’s quite common to design your own footprint for connectors like this. Another option is to have a look at websites like Samacsys or PCBlibraries.

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Never have even seen a source for something like this (that might mean nothing).

For the microSD card, they are in the connector for microSD, so you already have them. And for the SDcard side, that is just a flat PCB. Just look at a SD card, they have no springy contacts. Just contact pads.

Actually, I do need something like these contacts for a current project. My curent “solution” is to let them manufacture as 0.4/0.6 mm PCB. I’ll have to ask the manufacturer wether they are willing to mill 0.6 mm wide slots. If not, I’ll have to do that on my 4 tons milling machine.

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Yes, you’ll find them in zilion’s of Connector’s and can buy them in different quantity/packaging.

I designed many of them - we Stamped and Plated ours and I found the Book in photo useful (though, probably not your interest…).

Go to Mill-Max and search for them and/or Mouser, Digi-Key (there you’ll find some with downloadable Model to use for your Footprint).

Heck, you can buy many of them at Amazon. Search there for ‘electrical spring contact

Thanks everyone! Very nice forum here with great people :slight_smile:

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