Heads up for MacOS users

Hi All!

MacOS Mojave was released this week. It includes a number of major, non-backwards compatible changes to the SDK. As such, our KiCad builds do not yet work with this newest OS.

Hopefully, we can iron out the issues shortly. But until then, if you use KiCad on the Mac, I would recommend holding off on the Mojave upgrade for now.


Hi All-

Update on this. TLDR; 5.0 nightlies should work without issue.

Adam and I both upgraded and working on recreating the reported Mojave issues. Only saw 1 small issue with 5.0 stable under Mojave. It was not recreatable using the 5.0 nightlies. All of Adam’s regression tests ran without issue under Mojave. Looks like this is cleared but those MacOS users among us, please be sure to report any crashes or odd behavior to the bug tracker if you see them.

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Just curious—how’s 5.0.1 looking for Mojave? Does your dire warning (“I would recommend holding off on the Mojave upgrade for now”) still apply? Thanks!

There are some reports of 5.0.1 crashes with the release package. These are not reproducible when compiling for 10.14, so I think @adamwolf decided to bundle a separate 10.14 DMG https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-mac-builder/issues/217

Yup, the unified version from GITHUB for 21/Nov fails to load;

Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: @executable_path/…/Frameworks/libwx_osx_cocoau_gl-3.0.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Volumes/VOLUME/*/pcbnew.app/Contents/MacOS/pcbnew
Reason: image not found

macOS 10.14.1 + 1

@daver can you report that issue over at https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-mac-builder/issues

Done and issue resolved.

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