HDI boards in KiCad

Anybody having HDI boards in kicad please share. its for reference for me. I need to use blind and burried please let me know how to do.

I tried RepoRecon for a bit:

It indexes quite a lot of KiCad related projects, but I did not see obvious results for “HDI” or for “High Density”.

You can also have a look at the list of: Made with kicad | KiCad EDA Some of those projects are quite densely packed, but I have not looked at details myself. KiCad itself works with nanometer resolution internally, so would be plenty of resolution. But I guess that most of this “High Density” stuff is related to manufacturing itself, and not to the program to design a PCB. And therefore, a general search about managing constraints and design rules for such PCB’s would work. Something like:


If your question is “How to make a blind or buried via?”:

  • Place a via.
  • Right Mouse click the via.
  • Select Preferences.
  • Select Via type, Start Layer & End Layer.

If you want examples, @paulvdh has commented.

Blind and buried via’s also have their own hotkeys. See: PCB Editor / Preferences / Preferences / Hotkeys and search for “via”.

I do recall that the use of buried and blind vias had to be enabled somewhere in the setup, and there are also some extra features such as selecting preferred layer pairs for routing, but I do not use such features myself and tend to forget the details.

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