Hat for Pi - front vs back

I am designing my first hat for a Pi, and it’s the first real project I have done in KiCad; my prior experience is with DipTrace (which I know well.) My issue is likely “old hat” (pun intended) for most of you, but I want to be positive that I understand it before I go too far. KiCad refers to the board sides as “front” and “back,” and so I believe my female header for connection to the Pi will go on the “back” of the hat with pin 1 at the bottom right of the header. Is that all correct? Thanks

You can rotate the header to any orientation you want. It’s up to you to match up with the schematic for hats. Generally pin 1 has a square pad.

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(Make it 20 chars)

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If you mean the Pi HAT template then after creating a project from the template you can see the PCB in the 3D viewer as well, even if you won’t add any components yourself.

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Thanks to all three of you.

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