is sending me messages

Is legit? For some goofy reason is sending me emails apparently wanting me to sign up with them. I am ignoring their emails and putting them in Junk folder. Any recommendations?

What does this have to do with KiCad?

I believe this is some kicad group that I hadn’t previously heard of. I’m ignoring them.

This forum is not connected with them. We don’t know what you did to attract their attention. It does seem to be a real mailing list though. Isn’t there an unsubscribe link you can use to get off their mailing list?

Setting a short expiry on this topic in case somebody else knows about that mailing list.

KiCad uses for it’s User Mailing list.


You can unsubscribe by sending a mail to

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Yep. I’m also subscribed there as well. It’s kinda low traffic tho.

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