Ground copper plane cut out

Hi, I want to create a cut out on the ground copper plane, which is layer 3 in my PCB design but I can’t figuere it out how to do so. I am using Kicad 5.1.5

Use the Copper Zone and the Keepout Zone tools.

• draw zones on desired layers
• use the show and hide tools to see fills and keepouts
• if wanting an actual ‘Hole’ or other cutouts shape of the board, use Edge_Cuts layer for the cutout shape…

TIP - I find that sometimes the zones don’t display until I go through the steps of Exporting Gerbers, a panel pops up asking to re-fill the zones, do it…

Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 11.14.27 AM

This is GREAT! I think my problem was that I did not hit B to redraw the board and could not see the cut out.
Thank you so much!

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