Green back ground fill draws in front of red front ground fill zone?

I have two fill zones, both ground, one on the front (draws red) and one on the back (draws green.) I expected the back zone to draw behind the other, and appear yellow where it overlaps the front zone. Instead the green, back zone draws in front of the red front zone, and appears green. How do I change that?

Also, at times the green traces on the back draw in front of the red traces on the front, and I don’t know how to control that.


On the right side there is a list of all layers. Left of the layer names is a visibility selector and a color selector. Left of these two there is a small triangle only for one layer.
This layer is the layer that is currently shown on top. If you select any bottom layer, the bottom copper layer is drawn above the front layer.
Selecting a layer is done by clicking on the layer name.

This is there to help you design your project not to show how the final product will look like. (Otherwise it would be quite hard to design the bottom or inner copper layers.)

Yes. But that only seems to work when view is OpenGL, not in Default view. I seem to recall it working in Default view before, and painting the layers differently (the back, green zone painted in yellow where it was obscured by the selected (active) red zone on the back?)

In the snapshot I posted, F.Cu layer is selected. You can see that the red, front traces draw on top of the green, back traces. But the front, red zone does not draw on top of the back, green zone.

I thought maybe it depends on the order in which you created the zone, or their priority, I tried changing that but my experimentation was haphazard.

Maybe I should upgrade ? Currently on KiCadb v4.0.1. But I didn’t see that v5 was available yet, at least for MacOSX. Do people use the nightly build without too many problems?

I should try to reproduce on my other Linux installation of KiCad, maybe it is platform dependent.

Opengl colors behave different from legacy colors. It takes a little time to be used to.
Play with the opacity of the layers (click with the middle button on the color square) till you get yourself comfortable.

At least under linux the current nightly is more stable than version 4.0.7

I solved the problem by closing the project and reopening the project. Before, the green zone on B.Cu would not go into the background when I made F.Cu layer active by clicking on its layer name. Afterwards, it would. I suppose there is some sequence of actions that gets you into that state. To report it as a bug, I would need to reproduce the exact sequence of actions on a small test case.

I found that the sequence of actions is: switch view to OpenGl, then switch back to Default. After you do that, the condition exists (green, ground fill zone on B.Bu draws in front of red, ground fill zone on F.Cu, even after you select F.Cu layer). It continues to work ‘properly’ in OpenGl view, just not in Default view.

I suppose it is not worth checking whether it has been reported, until I test it on v5.

The OpenGL view will be default in v5, there’s usually no reason to use the “legacy” canvas/toolset.

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