Global solder mask min width and/or margin are not set to 0

I have recently upgraded to kicad 6 and there are a couple of annoyances the first is that for any kicad 5 files upgraded you get a message Global solder mask min width and/or margin are not set to 0? and even when you set it in the Board Setup you still get the same message. What is really anoying is that the mask files dont appear to generate and jlcpcb rejects them.

The sudo industry standard for the silk screen is F_Silks and B_Silks however the new gerbers generated are F_Silkscreen and B_Silksreen and the names need to be changed prior to upload again really anoying.

there doesnt seem to be a way to resolve this apparent error

that the standard component names such as a 0603 footprints have changed capacitors and resistors have changed. What this means is that any kicad 5 files the footprint name needs to change. I am not sure why the old names were not left for backwards compatibility.

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