Global Power Ports(GND)

Hi Rene,
I’ve been watching your comment and would like to understand it better, because it does not work for me in this way.
I have a hierarchy in several sheets with the same GND, but in pcbnew the GND’s are not grouping as one.
Could you please explain your comment? I’m sorry but I do not understand.

“I personally use hierarchical pins even for things like power connections. (Unless the schematic is small enough to fit onto a single page) This allows me to connect everything at the top level as i like.”

Continuing the discussion from How +5V, +3.3V and GND work in hierarchiccal sheets?:

A screenshit of your schematic might help.

Many thanks for your quickly answer.


I compared some pcbnew points with Eeschema.

Sorry fir the late answer I am quite busy right now and do not have reliable Internet access.

Is your pcb up to date with the schematic? (Use update pcb from schematic tool)

If it is then this is a bug. You might want to report it.

Hello, Rene,
No problem for the delay. Many thanks for your answer.
I was able to resolve by copying a GND power symbol from the updated library of the latest version of KICAD. Initially I used the GND power symbol from a library I’ve always used.
I did not go into detail to find out the difference between them but one thing is for sure, when I use my old GND symbol, it does not become a global label. I’m using the latest stable version of KICAD (5.0.2) -2.
If you want I can simulate this and post the printscreens.

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