First of all, I want to say i’m a complete rookie, so don’t be too harsh on me :D. I read the similar topics, but i couldn’t find a final explanation.
Let’s say i have 5 resistors in layout (pcbnew), and i just want to modify the dimensions and clearance of the pads.
I tried with right click on the pad->edit all pads->pad editor->i modified the dimension and the clearance of the pad->change pads on identical footprints.
Now, here’s the problem…the dimensions of the pad are modified for all the resistors but the clearance is modified just for the pad i clicked on. That’s a bug or something, because i tried all the things but i couldn’t make it work. The only thing that is working fairy well is with “design rules”, and there creating a separate net class where i modify the clearance, but in the same time the clearance of the track is modified.
So…i just want to know if there is any method to modifiy the dimensions and the clearance of the pads, all at the same time
I just hope someone can give me a light.