Global label not connected to any other global label


I am usin Kicad with a pin connected directly to the same global net. When I run ERC I get global label not connected to any other global label.
Opening the net file I see

 (net (code 25) (name A4)
      (node (ref U1) (pin DA4))
      (node (ref U2) (pin 83)))

Why is Kicad generating this ERC error then?

It was a problem with the pins schematic being an input. THis causes the problem

Hello Roaming_Ranger,

Did you fix this error just by changing the pin to other type? For instance, output pin?


I wonder if Roaming_Ranger is still here after 5 years. Not speaking about the KiCad version from 2015 (probably pre-4) which has been obsolete for 5 years.

You may benefit from the FAQ, for example Electrical type of schematic symbol pins (KiCad 4 and KiCad 5).

You can also give more details about your situation, you can even zip and drag your project here and we can look into it.

(EDIT: as a newcomer you can’t attach files yet; spend some time reading some topics and you’ll get the priviledges. And when asking a question, always give KiCad version information.)

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Thank you for the suggestion!