Global Label Color - Windows?

On KiCAD 7 (7.0.6) I can change the global label color, but I cannot see the color change on Windows. If I open the project in Linux, I can see the correct global label color.

Is this a Windoze thing?
Is there a setting/config that I am missing to get the labels to take the correct color on Windoze?

works on my Win10-system (colorchange is only commited to the label after “close”).

You could follow New Member Information, promote yourself to the next user-level (basic) and attach the zipped project (kicad manager–>File–>Archive project) - maybe we can reproduce the issue with a example project.

Looks like the solution was actually pretty straight forward.
This is related to custom themes and the “Override individual item colors” checkbox (seems pretty obvious).

For anyone else looking for this info, here is what worked for me:

  • With “Override individual item colors” checked - port colors do not show. The themes port color overrides the port color settings in the schematic.



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