Getting error when trying to export specctra.dsn file (solved)

Hi, there! :relaxed:

When I try to export my pcb design in specctra format, for use with an external auto-router, I get the following pop-up error.

‘IO_ERROR: Multiple components have identical reference IDs of ‘R’.
from /build/kicad-fW3pRG/kicad-4.0.2+e4/kicad/pcbnew/specctra.cpp : ThrowIOError() : line 144
Unable to export, please fix and try again.’

Other formats export OK and the internal auto-router is working.

I hope to be able to overcome this, as I want to give the TopoR auto-router a try.


Any chance you got several resistors in your schematic/layout that all have the same reference ID?

Hi, Joan!

Thank you for your reply!

No, each resistor has a unique ID, as I used the auto-annotation feature in the schematic editor to number the parts.

I even tried re-running auto annotation, to see if it would clear the error,but to now avail.


I suspect there’s something wrong somewhere and you do indeed have multiple components with the Ref ID ‘R’. This can happen in some cases if you edit a Reference ID and delete the ‘?’. For example a resistor initially shows up as “R?” but if you accidentally edit the value and place “R” then you can get problems. I don’t believe the auto-annotation code will necessarily pick up such problems.

Run Fabrication Outputs --> BOM File and have a look or post it here

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Hi, David!

Thanks for the suggestion.
The BOM showed the problem straight away.
There were 4 mounting holes that I placed on the PCB and hadn’t given a Red ID to.

After I did this, the Specctra file generated fine.

A lesson I will not forget.


I have the same symptom and error message BUT,

All the resistors HAVE had their reference designator assigned. However, the Netlist shows (for one of them:)

(comp (ref R15)
  (value 120)
  (footprint Resistors_ThroughHole:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal)
  (libsource (lib device) (part R))
  (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
  (tstamp 59740206))

The Component Properties has “Chip Name” which is that R. But, 1) it’s not a chip, and 2), there is enough info for me to know what that should be (ref desig, value, footprint.) What more would be needed? (And, IF I manually put some thing like, ‘Res, 1/8W 120’, it also would not be unique as there are several of the same on the board.)

How would I remedy this?
