What is the best way to make a footprint file from GERBER data?
I presently have a Planar transformer which will be mounted on a card I am designing and thus I need the pin headers holes to align. Likewise I am designing a daughter card (to help with integration testing, not for the main design) and I would want to pass the outline as a footprint.
I have GERBERS for a planar (in fact I physically have them) and I would like to re-use this planar in a new design.
To make use of this I need a footprint to use in the design I am working on right now. The original part and usage was done in Mentor so there isn’t actually any mechanical drawing. Now I could use the GERBERS and extract the centres to make a footprint but I was wondering if there was an easier way since I have these GERBERS
The gerber viewer has an ‘export to PCBnew’. I have NO clue if that would help. If it exported to a graphic or other type drawing that might be useful. I’m not sure if @maui 's step up would help because I doubt Freecad could open the gerber file. Hmm… Searching isn’t showing much hope of getting gerbers to some other graphic format.
Edit. GEDA’s gerber view does do this type of export. I don’t know if they support platforms other than Linux though.
As an added bonus, due to this footprint existing and the GERBER PCB, a bit of messing around and a freecad model was created, including the pin headers