Gerber generation no button

Hi, i want to generate gerber file of project. But there is no button to do it. File → Fabrication Outputs → Gerber Files → and not save button.

What is wrong?

Below a screenshot for my Gerber output window (KiCad V8.0.2)

Your screenshot does not show the full window. The Output Messages section is also missing. I can resize the window, but the only vertical resizer I find is in between the “Output Messages” window and the buttons on the bottom.

GUI bugs are also platform related, and you should add the complete KiCad version info (which also lists some OS details) to your post. You can find this version info in: … / Help / About / Copy Version Info.

You may not have enough screen space to display the window and it cannot be resized. The problem may be platform dependent. Other than getting a larger screen, you could try generating fab files from kicad-cli.

That was one or two KiCad versions ago. In V8 it can be resized.

One noteworthy difference is that the top part (with the Include Layers and Plot on all Layers sections are much smaller on my Linux box. I don’t know what influences the size of those.

Thank your for help. About my version and os:

I’m not sure whether you have noticed, but another thread was opened for the same issue:

That thread has a link to wxWidgets and apparently it’s fixed now.

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