Gerber file not correctly imported (?)

I am a total newbie on Kicad (I use another software) and I try to import a Gerber file that has been created by Kicad according to the designer.
The Gerber File is available for download on GitHub, here: GitHub - freeDSP/freeDSP-ALLinONE: All-in-One Version with amp and ADAU1701
in the “Sources” folder.
When I open it on Kicad, some traces and other things are missing: what could I do ?

I downloaded the zip file and it looks OK to me. It loads with the last layer as emphasized. Maybe that is confusing you? You can select which later is, lets call it, on top visually.

I would suggest downloading the whole project and making sure it is right. If it is, you can remake the gerbers if needed.

I downloaded the zip file and it looks OK to me.I downloaded the zip file and it looks OK to me.
How do you proceed to import it ??

Here is a screen capture of what I see when I import the Zipped Gerber with the “wiew Gerber File” application of Kicad, I don’t know its English name:

Do you manage to import it in Kicad PCB ?? If yes, how do you proceed ?

I’m guessing a language problem here? Depending on your native language you might post the question in your native tongue and see if you get an answer.

Bottom line. Gerbers are program independent. They are a standard format. They should open in any software’s viewer.

I also have no problem viewing the Gerbers.
[EDIT] I was able to open the project and work with the board. I even could create Gerbers.
I didn’t invest the time to load the symbols, so I can’t say about the schematic.
All in all it looks pretty ok (KiCad 6.99).

@ferdymercury is a member here and seems to have contributed to that project?

I just updated the link in the Readme after the old kicad domain was sold, so can not help much, sorry

The latest Kicad version I have found is 6.0.9, but it should not be the cause.
Can you tell me precisely HOW did you proceed (step by step) to open this Gerber file ? As soon as you tell me, I do the same to see if I can open it correctly…
Thank you very much,

Gerber Viewer → File → Open Zip Archive File.

I opened the zipped Gerber files from Github. The warning about Gerber1\ can be ignored. It is because there is a directory in the zipped Gerber file. Other Gerber viewers do not even warn about that.

On closer examination I found there is no Edge.Cuts drawn in the Gerber Viewer. Looking into the *.gm1 file with a text editor I see there is nothing in it aside from config stuff.

Opening the project revealed there is simply nothing on that layer. Somebody did not draw a board outline.

[EDIT] Obviously the board outline was drawn on the Margin layer

[EDIT2] If you want to rectify that without digging into Kicad, delete smd_aio-Edge.Cuts.gm1. Then rename smd_aio-Margin.gbr to smd_aio-Edge.Cuts.gm1

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