I just observed two unexpected effects with geographical reannotation in a board. KiCad version is 8.0.8.
First one:
I wanted to keep the references of all CN and REF parts, so I entered “CN,REF” (without the quotation marks) into the “exclude references” field. When the reannotation is done, in fact it (admittedly) excludes all references beginning with C or R as well.
Here is a part of the reannotation report:
Hinweis: Alle Footprints werden neu annotiert.
Hinweis: Referenztypen CN,REF werden nicht annotiert.
Hinweis: Ausgenommen: C CN CN R RE REF von Neu-Annotierung
Hinweis: C1 -> C1 Ausgeschlossen wird ignoriert
Hinweis: C2 -> C2 Ausgeschlossen wird ignoriert
As far as I understand the documenation, only CN** and REF** should be excluded.
Is that a bug, or do I need to specify the “exclude references” somehow different?
Second one:
I tried to reannotate with “exclude locked footprints”. A few transistors are locked to safely keep their mechanical position. Interestingly, the reannotation skips the reference number which is smaller than those of these locked footprints, assigning a too high number to that very first component. Apparently it is assumed that the numbers of the locked parts always need to be the smallest ones?
Here is a part of the related report:
Hinweis: Alle Footprints werden neu annotiert.
Hinweis: Gesperrte Footprints werden nicht annotiert
Hinweis: T1 -> T5
Hinweis: T2 -> T2 Ausgeschlossen wird ignoriert
Hinweis: T3 -> T3 Ausgeschlossen wird ignoriert
Hinweis: T4 -> T4 Ausgeschlossen wird ignoriert
Hinweis: T5 -> T6
Hinweis: T6 -> T7
Hinweis: T7 -> T8
I would have expected that the reference T1 (and the others as well) would remain unchanged. Same question: Bug or workaround?
Thanks, TR