Generating footprint from gerber,drill,dxf files

Hey i found some partial answers to this question in the forum,

My client supply me with Gerber, drill, dxf files. I need to extract the pick and place file for THT components.
From what i understood you need a footprint to generate pick and place files, what is the
shortest way to do so? In addition to those files i might be able to ask for odb file.

Thanks for the help:)

I don’t think you can do it from the gerbers or drill files, and to my knowledge, not from the dxf files since those have no concept of a part any more, just geometrical entities.

ODB? If you are not using KiCad then you should ask in the forum for your ECAD software.

I was mostly though writing a long answer, but the simple answer is that the data from your customer is incomplete. Those files do not even contain data on which parts are on a PCB. For that you need the placement file, and the placement file also has the locations and orientation of the parts.

It is also not really a KiCad question. Going from computer data to real manufacturing, is where KiCad ends, and specialized software for this task is used. Cam350 is a name of such software that pops up on this forum sometimes, but I have no experience with it.

Yes indeed, and normally that data is provided by your customer. You can recreate it in KiCad but it is a bit of a cumbersome process:

Thank you all for the answers. i have asked for footprint.

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