GenCAD Fiducial Generation Problems

I am trying to create a GenCAD output with fiducial pads on the top and bottom layer. When I export with GenCAD, it only shows the pad on the top layer and not the bottom layer.

What do I need to do or change to get the fiducial on the bottom layer to be exported as well?

Reading KiCad forum since 2017 I see GenCAD term for the first time.
What is the KiCad problem you need a help with?

When I see brand new user with short question, I click the avatar and if I see a few minutes of forum use, I think AI bot or advertising angle.


But if that is not the case, welcome to the forum!

Apparently it is an export option from KiCAD

GenCAD exporter

The GenCAD exporter creates a GenCAD file for fabrication, testing, or importing into other software.

never used, but @Reid should provide more information, here and on his other thread, at least the KiCAD version (Menu Help->About->Copy Version Info)

Didn’t know about it.
But info that it only shows pad on top and not at bottom suggests that there is probably somewhere GenCAD file format viewer and that viewer does’t show what is expected. So it can be KiCad problem or viewer problem. Knowing what viewer and example file would be helpful.

Mod please reopen when spammer has been ejected.

Not a bot, just never had a need to post as I could usually find the answer I needed by searching.


GenCad is unfortunately a poorly-supported (and not widely-used) format. I would strongly recommend switching to IPC-2581 (available in 8.0) or ODB++ (available in 9.0). Both of these exporters are getting active bugfixes and testing; the GenCad exporter has a number of known issues and isn’t being maintained as well.

I’m using KiCAD Version 8.0.8 on macOS 15.1.1

The problem is I have a fiducial footprint with one fiducial pad on the top layer and the other fiducial pad on the bottom layer. When I run File>Export > GenCAD with no options checked as shown here:
The output defines the shape of the footprint with two overlapping pads on the TOP layer only instead of one pad on the TOP and the other pad on the BOTTOM. This is what is generated: SHAPE "Malmoset_Fiducial:FID_020" INSERT SMD PIN "1" PAD7 0 0 TOP 0 0 PIN "2" PAD6 0 0 TOP 0 0

I’m using a text editor to look at the output

My apologies – we are just seeing so much not-real traffic lately.

Contract manufacturer we used for years didn’t asked for fiducials ever so I even din’t know what it is (now I suppose that they just added them when making a panel with our PCBs). When we moved to new contract manufacturer he asked for fiducials.
I have made fiducial footprint with mark only at top. This gives you more flexibility - you can place them only at one layer, and if needed at both you can place them as you have a room for them (sometimes it can be the same positions for top and bottom).

Using only top layer fiducial footprints can be a way-around for you (if works).

I’ve never come across GenCAD before and looking at this external forum from 2011, I can see why.
It seems to be very niche.