Future Feature Projections and release dates

I am finding KiCad lacking in most of the fundamental things that I need but would like to postpone my decision pending learning more about the next release (6.0?) and what new features will be included. I have been casting about the web trying to find information in the blog etc about the next expected major release and what new features the developers will be pursuing.
Is this information available somewhere?


There is no definitive list of features, nor release date. Since it’s a volunteer project, having a fixed schedule is rather moot.

There is a roadmap https://docs.kicad.org/doxygen/v6_road_map.html which may give some clues. Otherwise, there is a thread here Post-v5 new features and development news and general hanging around the forum.

Of course, if you were to simply ask about specific things you are interested in you might get specific feedback.


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