I’m using KiCad 8.0.8 and Freerouting plugin 1.9
I use Freerouting a lot - it works great!
Have small issues from time to time but this is not a problem.
The only problem I have is the way routed tracks enter IC’s pads.
Every time there are multiple situations when the track enters the IC’s pad from the side while the most obvious way would be to do it with an angle.
Is there a way to change it?
Hello and welcome @tommy.sz
This is not a Kicad problem. This is probably a problem with your Freerouting setup. It would be best for you to explore this or to ask about this on the Freerouting forum, if they have one.
You can raise an issue at freerouting/integrations/KiCad at master · freerouting/freerouting · GitHub
Restrict exit directions.
What’s that set to?
I’ve unchecked the box. It works! Thank you! Thank you!
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